How A Child Grows With Care2Run
Growth of a Child
The growth of a child depends on both the amount and type of support they receive, whether it is from their parents, teachers, or outside influences. There are well-established methods that help a child’s development; however, certain children require different types of support instead of traditional methods to ensure a healthy and happy childhood development. Care2Run helps provide the necessary support for such children to grow. This page will describe our methods and how we aim to accomplish this.
How Care2Run Encourages Growth
Care2Run’s modules are structured as phase-by-phase platforms, with each phase intended to foster the development and growth of a child.
Our experience in supporting young people with diverse learning needs and those from underserved communities has led us to endorse a phase-by-phase platform. This approach progressively builds on the foundation of our one-on-one mentoring methods, making it the optimal model for instilling confidence, self-belief, and guiding the youth toward realizing their potential. This methodology is encapsulated in the Junior Leaders Programme (JLP), which will be detailed in the section below.
Juniors Leaders Programme (JLP)
The Junior Leadership Program (JLP) process is divided into multiple phases. This is done to ease new clients into the program and gradually inspire, internalize, and empower them to become fully independent in life without the need for support. There are three phases in the program, as described in the following section.
Phase 1 – Inspire
At the beginning of the Junior Leadership Program (JLP) is the Inspire phase. This phase is designed to ease the students into the program. Initially, clients will attend Care2Run One-off Events to receive their orientation into the program. Next, they will participate in a 10-Week Program at Care2Run. Establishing a foundation for the client and building inspiration for them to become independent is important and will be done at a gradual pace.
Phase 2 – Internalize
The subsequent stage is the Internalize phase. This phase aims to assist the client in acquiring life skills and internalizing the gained knowledge. The initial half of the phase comprises the Junior Mentor Programme, where our coaches guide clients in acquiring life skills and internalizing the knowledge for retention. The latter part of the phase involves the Junior Coaching Programme, where clients actively assist coaches in teaching their peers. During this phase, clients will emphasize team development and mastery of their skills.
Phase 3 – Empower
The third phase of the Junior Leadership Program (JLP) is the Empower phase. This stage emphasizes assigning responsibilities to clients and encouraging them to act independently with minimal support. The second half, constituting the final phase of the Junior Leadership Programme, is the Leadership Programme. During this stage, coaches will transfer responsibilities to the clients and concentrate on empowering them to act independently with minimal support, mirroring real-world scenarios. Upon completion of the program, clients will achieve full independence in life.
Watch Our Stories
Just Keep Swimming – APCD Disability Inclusive Sports 2018 forum (Day 3)
the Care2Run team is currently participating in the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability’s (APCD) program on disability-inclusive sports, taking place from July 1-10, 2018. In Part 3 of Coach Chloe’s exclusive video diary from Bangkok, Thailand, the focus was on the pool! The day was filled with valuable learning experiences, enjoyment, and numerous medals awarded to Team Malaysia.
Making Friends – Care2Run at APCD Disability-Inclusive Sports 2018 (Day 6)
We are incredibly proud of Care2Run Junior Leader Max, who has been fostering connections with participants and facilitators since his arrival in Bangkok nearly a week ago for the APCD Disability Inclusive Sports Forum 2018. His dedication to connecting with and assisting others serves as a true inspiration for all aspiring Junior Leaders, and he is someone they should look up to be.