

Videos are a powerful tool. As a closely knit community, we forge a multitude of tender and enriching memories. Utilising videos as a medium to best illustrate our journey and progress, we’ve posted over 90 videos on Youtube. Our videos feature a variety of content ranging from our Care2Dance challenge to the Junior Leaders Programme(JLP).


Every single person in Care2Run’s ecosystem is essential, and we’ve grown so much in three years thanks to all the different individuals who’ve played a part in getting us to where we are. We have documented more than 49 testimonial  on paper.

It is for this reason, that we aim to hear from our people – our participants, coaches, volunteers, parents, friends and loved ones – about what Care2Run means to them.

Denise Temnik
Pioneer Programme Leader

Muhammad Amirul Ilman Mansor
Junior Coach

Lim Yen Yen & Lee Wai Kuan

Leo Selvaraj
Volunteer Mentor and Coach