Xtraordinary Digital (XD) was founded informally in 2016 as a production facility for the non-profit organisation, Care2Run, but its growth accelerated in the early days of Covid-19 in response to the pandemic’s impact on schooling. Xtraordinary Digital serves as a Malaysian-based beginner production studio, design house and borderless content-creation school with the mission to assist the differently-abled community in the form of unleashing their skills in photography, video-filming and editing in an inclusive work environment.

There are two learning platforms championed – Xtraordinary Digital School and Digital Studio. Xtraordinary Digital School (XD School) provides a gamified classroom supported by a world-class teaching system and access to over one hundred micro-credentials from top learning platforms. Meanwhile, the Digital Studio acts as a practical space for the youths to learn and become gainfully employed, as well as providing affordable services for the general public.

Navigate below to see some of XD School’s best works.

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