Junior Leaders Programme

The Care2Run Junior Leaders Programme (JLP) is a pioneering, long-term intervention programme that is geared towards making young people more active, sociable and employable. The sessions seek to build the confidence of participants and instigate substantive behavioural changes. The JLP is divided into three distinct phases and each phase consists 5 weeks of training which is designed to provide coaching, leadership, mentoring, public speaking and many other skills.


This course will:

  • Help to gain coaching and mentoring skills
  • Provide business and customer management skills 
  • Develop presentation and public speaking skills
  • Become more active, sociable and employable
Session Schedule
  • 3 distinct Phases
  • 5 weeks of each phase
Length Of Course

A structured five-week programme. Upon successful completion of JLP 1, participants earn a Junior Coach badge which entitles them to coach others.

A five weeks programme where the Junior Coaches are train to hone their skills in leadership, coaching, facilitation and public speaking through mentoring and coaching others. The focus in this part of the programme is to given them a sense of sustainability and empowerment through others, as well as entrepreneurial and training design thinking.

Witnesses further enhancement of the skills acquired in JLP 2, with a focus on improving participants’ business and customer management presentations during the final five weeks.

Who Can Join?

  •  Differently-able youth and children


“Despite only being involved for a short period of time, I have successfully mentored a bunch of amazing kids to become leaders not only amongst their peers and have seen them step out of their comfort zone. With faith, patience and true perseverance, I’ve seen how these kids have blossomed into wonderful individuals and it gives me sheer joy to be part of their success stories.”  – Krishantini

Krishantini, a lawyer by profession, got involved with Care2Run just before we began our pioneer JLP programme in March 2018.